The second Premio Internacional de Arquitectura Matimex - Matimex International Architecture Prize - requested submission of innovative proposals inspired by reflection on the “Architecture of knowledge”.
The intention was to encourage new ideas about architectural spaces for knowledge, in the broadest sense of the term. Proposals could focus on creation of a new space or redevelopment of an existing space in response to the new requirements of learning, transmission and/or creation of knowledge.
Reflection on the architecture of knowledge using Fiandre Iris Ceramica Group materials. The judges gave preference to projects using products featuring the ACTIVE Clean Air & Antibacterial Ceramic finish and large ceramic slabs.
The prizes in the “professionals” category were awarded to:
- 1st prize: Por la puerta de atrás (Through the back door). Residences – studios and sculpture garden in the courtyard of IVAM.
Team: Juan Alcalá Lara
- 2nd prize: Re-ocupar los límites (reappropriating limits). Creative reuse of aisle 8 in Madrid’s former slaughterhouse, Il Matadero.
Team: Irene Ruiz Iranzo, Javier Tobías González
Special mentions:
- Primitivo by MBAD ARQUITECTOS of Adrian Duran, Mario Baez and assistants: Florencia Koncke, Paolo Russi.
- Recorriendo el saber (Going over knowledge) by Julia Molina Virués and Vicente Pérez Hernández.
- Ecos de un patio desvelado (Echoes of a revealed courtyard) by Juan Copado Bocero and Javier Serrano Fajardo.
The prizes in the “students” category were awarded to:
- 1st prize: Al futuro con el pasado (To the future, with the past). Art school in the old city.
Team: Eduardo Cilleruelo Terán.
- 2nd prize: Cube Museum.
Team: Álvaro Millán Cruz
The judges in the second PIAM contest were:
- Federica Minozzi. CEO of GranitiFiandre S.P.A.
- Juan-Luis Grafulla. Matimex Director and General Manager
- César Ruiz-Larrea. Architect. Partner and Director of Ruiz-Larrea & Asociados S.L. Professor, Master’s programme director and lecturer. Vice president of ASA and consultant with the CSCAE - Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España.
- Francesc Rifé. Interior designer and industrial designer. Founding partner in Francesc Rifé Studio.
- Gabriel-Ángel Ortín. Director of Technical Assistance with MAPEI in Spain.
- Jaime Sanhahuja. Partner and Director in Sanahuja&Partners. Associate professor at ETSAV and researcher in modern Spanish architecture.
- Eric Draper. Associate Director of Broadway Malyan. Director of the Interior Department of Broadway Malyan Spain.
- Hugo Berenguer. Architect. Design Director with Rafael de La-Hoz Arquitectos.